All creation is the interweaving of cycles. From Galactic manifestation to subatomic waves, the universe is a vast spectrum of cycles. The cycles of birth and death, summer and winter, day and night, in-breath and out-breath weave the fabric of life. The ancient rishis (Yogi’s who purified their body/minds and directly experienced the fundamental forces of creation) experienced the underlying unity of all cycles as the breath of Brahma and the ubiquitous periodicity of the universe as the rhythm of the life breath of a single harmonious Living Being.
Golden Spiral: Life breath of a living universe . . .
The ancient wisdom describes these fields of resonance emanating from the center as elements. The elements are the vibratory archetypes of Cosmic Intelligence that underlie creation. Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. These five patterns of vibration are at the core of the sciences of the ancients. Dr. Stone writes: “Patterns are mind energy fields. [underlined in the original] Each type of energy has a vibratory speed and wave length which determines its function and affinity to other similar units of energy functioning in the body, or outside in the cosmos.”17 They are the fundamental resonances that are the inner vibrational basis of all phenomena. The elemental harmonics are understood as four phases of radiation (Air, Fire, Water, and Earth) from one center (Ether). Each of the elements represents a progressively denser, more material radiation of a single force, a harmonic of the underlying singular harmony. The elements are archetypal harmonics corresponding to the phases of materialization in the Polarity Evolutionary Cycle.
Cross section of logarithmic spiral pictured above.
Elemental Fields
Ether + Air sustain Air
Ether + Air + Fire sustain Fire
Ether +Air + Fire sustain Water
Ether +Air + Fire + Water sustain Earth
Energy Fields radiate from a center and step-down in quantum fashion from higher to lower rates of vibration from the core to the periphery. The radiation of energy fields is universally ruled by the Golden Spiral.
Like wheels within wheels, these whirling vortices of force emanate from the center of every energy field in a quantum fashion of discrete zones of resonance that provide the step-down mechanism from Spirit to matter. The Etheric center radiates a series of fields in a quantum step-down mechanism through which spirit crystallizes into matter. The elements represent progressive stages in the cycle of movement of this energy from Spirit into matter. They form the outward, involutionary cycle from within to without, from above to below, from Ether to Earth, from subtle Spirit to the crystallization of consciousness into matter. This movement then becomes an inward-moving evolutionary cycle from below to above and from without to within, as energy cycles back through matter to Spirit.
In the Tantric darsan (a vision of God) nature (prakriti) is differentiated into five forms of motion. Ether (Akasa) fills space with the “Hairs of Shiva,” nonobstructive motion radiating lines of force in all directions, sustaining the space in which the other forces operate. Air (Vayu) is a transverse motion and the source of locomotion in space (from the sanskrit root Va, “to move”). Fire (Tejas) is an upward motion giving rise to expansion. Water (Apas) is a downward motion giving rise to contraction. Earth (Prithivi) is a motion which produces cohesion and obstruction, the opposite of the nonobstructive Ether.

All vibration is entrained, through sympathetic vibration, with the resonance of these universal fields of force. All solidity, regardless of the phenomenon, resonates with the Earth harmonic; all fluidity with Water; all heat with Fire; all movement with Air; and all space with Ether.
The ancient seers articulated a distinction between the universal elements prior to manifestation which they called “subtle elements” and the “gross” pentamirus combination of the elements that sustained manifestation. Thus the subtle tanmatras, or essences, combining and recombining, produce the five gross elements of the external universe the Mahabhutas or Panchabhautikas.
It is important to remember that this is a sacred model of creation. While a scientific perspective would hold that “mythology” points to a realm that is less than “real,” sacred “mythology” asserts a transcendental dimension that is more than “real.” The elements are not things . . . but are Primordial Being. The elements are aspects of the Divine Logos and are the root archetypes out of which Cosmic Intelligence manifests creation.
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