Saturday, May 5, 2007

Chinese Landscape Painting

Old Trees, Level Distance, Northern Song dynasty (960–1127)
Guo Xi (Chinese, ca. 1000–ca. 1090)

Images of nature have remained a potent source of inspiration for artists down to the present day. While the Chinese landscape has been transformed by millennia of human occupation, Chinese artistic expression has also been deeply imprinted with images of the natural world. Viewing Chinese landscape paintings, it is clear that Chinese depictions of nature are seldom mere representations of the external world. Rather, they are expressions of the mind and heart of the individual artists—cultivated landscapes that embody the culture and cultivation of their masters.

History Here

Modern Application

3D Graphics / Computer Generated Landscapes

Video games such as Myst and computer design programs such as Bryce brought emotive landscapes to modern digital culture.

High Resolution Digital Photography

high resolution camera's now capture wide, detailed images

large scale videos would be projected in emotive places

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