If you are reading this blog you are interested in discussing the opportunity of creating a club/ restaurant space in China, with the goal of developing a global brand from this space. Thank you for your time.
The posts cover religion, health, astrology, architecture, food, design: much of Chinese origin. This information is for discussion only, with the potential to guide design and other business decisions if we do this thing.
The concepts and floorplans are again for thought provocation only. Please keep them confidential. Located to the right.
The Space
a modern restaurant, club, and theatre - within a large circular and domed planetarium -

floorplan: cross section

Deeply moving rooms of large scale Video Projections
Everything from Chinese Landscapes Video to Movie Screenings

Modern Water Adaptations

Collectively and subtley creating a theatrical and moving experience.
The Brand
The basic premise is that a Chinese based brand - authentically originating from China - and in the vein of Buddha Bar, Supper Club, Sushi Samba, Nikki Beach, Ministry of Sound, Tao, --- but actually based in authentic Eastern philosophy and design would have the potential to become a global property.
New Spirituality
The modern upwardly mobile individual is looking for spirituality, without all the zealousness or new age hype.
We create spritual entertainment. Spritual Decadance while providing the authetic principals if someone wants to explore.
Holistic partying - and taking care of yourself - the ying and yang. (see: Concepts: Ying and Yang)

One space in a major Chinese city could become a international destination and then the foundation for a media property: books, music, video, etc. presenting modern adaptations of Chinese philosophy in: design, food, health, spirituality, travel, music...

Thank you for taking the time to review these ideas. Click any image in this doc for a larger view.

floorplan: overhead